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Instances of Love and Hate

Content: I read the index entry first (link) and you've done a great job on it. I could really relate to what you're thinking about and having fears of.. The first entry wasn't anything that told us anything about you, except this diary is private. People can already discern that by the fact it's locked though. Anyway, you did much better in next entry writing about the school year going by and all the thoughts accompanying it. It had some reflection, which I liked but not too deep. I enjoyed when you wrote more about yourself. I like learning about people. I do like the title of your diary and if I saw a book with that title, I would definitely take a look. I like most of your writing. Except when you say "I could elaborate.." That makes me want you to do it right away! But most of the time you're pretty detailed about things and I don't need more.

Great job on the character thing you wrote for Creative Writing. I love how you write about something or somewhere you're going to then expand on it and give us your personal opinions on the issue or place. It's really interesting that way. Yes I know what you mean about detail.. I love reading that and getting detailed reviews done too.

Good for you on thinking you're uber smart. It's great to have the kind of confidence you do. I don't always and that can be very damaging. Oh I wanted to go to UCLA too, but didn't get in. It was very upsetting.

I don't know if I agree with all of you what you've written in this but at least you were able to express yourself and get your opinions across.

Ohmygoodness, I know what you're talking about here because I was recently accused of being narcissistic too. Isn't that something. Your reponse was so funny though and wish I was able to come up with something like that! We're both not narcissistic in the least bit. We just know ourselves and are proud of it! (40/40).

Layout: I think it's a pretty nice, simple layout but everything's on the left side so the right side is blank red and that doesn't look the best, still I really like the picture of the girl with her hair blowing and the way "I need to find... me" is written. Plus the font for the sayings is beautiful. Totally suits the layout. You don't have too many links so that's good. Overall the Lis Design is sweet. (18/20).

Emotions: You do pretty well in this section, but could have more. Still you have many opinions and thoughts in your diary. (19/20).

Extras: Reviews, quizzes, surveys, cast, things, about your u/p combo. (10/10).

Link: Yes it's there. (5/5).

Contact: Mail notes and AIM. Is there a guestbook? (4/5).

Total: 96/100


Favorite Entry: I liked this.

Favorite Quote: I think I just realized something. Kennedy isn��t a typical high school. We don��t follow the all-American high school plan, we just kinda do whatever. The jocks aren��t drool worthy, the cheerleaders aren��t gorgeous or envy inciting. There are no nerds that get picked on consistently. There aren��t any outcasts (too much diversity for there to be��which is always good).
Yea, that sounds nice! Plus Kennedy's my favorite president.

Comments: Sweetie, I understand about you not wanting to get u/p out and I'm definitely keeping it a secret. I feel that I really got to know you and we have a bunch in common. I would love to visit again though so maybe if you change it, could you let me know? Promise I won't tell anyone. And I'm glad you requested me.

You may join the Platinum ring! =)

Reviewed by Kathy

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