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.captured memories. <>

Content: When I read the quick blurbs about you on the side navigation, you sounded like quite an intelligent girl, and that you have a grip on who you are. You diary didn't reflect that as much. You mention quite often that you want to go to UCLA, and become a movie critic for the L.A. Times, like in this and diva designs. I like it quite a bit. The colors go well together, and you can't help but love Paul Frank animals. The best part is that you haven't messed with it, and ruined it, (so many people do that) and I even like the panda at the bottom.

Layout Score: 20/20

Emotions:Some entries, like this one have good emotion. Others, don't seem to have any. You vent a lot about things that are going on, but sometimes your true feelings get lost, or confused with boredom. Try and be consistant with your entries, and you could really have a good diary.

Emotions Score: 14/20

Extras: Links, thoughs, reviews, kritiks, luvs, and hates.

Extras Score: 10/10

Link: Yep.

Link Score: 5/5

Contact: E-mail, AIM, guestbook.

Contact Score: 5/5

Total Score: 83/100


Comments:I almost forgot to mention that you need to archieve your older entries. If you need help, leave me a note.

Reviewed By:Amanda

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