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Don't Hate me Because I'm Beautiful

Content: My first impression of you was that you seemed narrow minded due to this entry. You catorgarize people by what they wear and how they talk but you didn't even get a chance to get to know them. I fall into several of those catagories and for some reason I feel like you hate me already and you don't even know me. I could be the nicest person you'll ever meet, but you wouldn't know that because you have already catagorize me into a group that you hate. So next time you make a list of the kinds of people you hate, think that you could be making a list of your future best friend.

I thought it was interesting when you rated movies. A lot of the movies you rated low were the movies i liked most. Although, I have to agree with you on Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl. It was a wonderful movie, and funny too. You must have had a lot of time in your hands to sit down and rate all those movies.

When you talked about how you didn't like shopping, I felt like I could really relate to you. My sisters think I'm the most non girly-girls out there. They find it odd that I only love to wear jeans and t-shirts too. It's nice to find someone with the same problem...

All in all, I think your content was really well written. Although some of your entries are random and tend to be used as "daylogs," I think that you have a lot of potential.

Have a good sophomore year. My sophomore year was awesome!


Layout: Not surprising, you made your own layout. It's a simple layout. I think the colors can be a little depressing but I like your navagation. (15/20)

Emotions: I don't get a lot of emotions from you. Sure I get the vibe that you already hate the person I am just because in a lot of your entries you stay how much you hate certain kinds of girls. But I get a lot of your thoughts on things and that's always a plus.(15/20)

Extras: You have a lot of extras.(10/10)

Link: I see it. (5/5)

Contact: You are very stalkable.(5/5)

Total: (85/100) You can join our Sweet Silver diary ring.

Comments: You're a really good writer, and you seem like a smart girl, I just think you're a little narrow-minded

Reviewed by: Thi

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