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sincerely, me

Content: I was introduced to you with this entry. It was very dramatic and thoughtful. After reading that entry, I knew that you were a writer, I knew that I would actually enjoy reading your diary.

When you wrote the entry where you were like, "yes, i am high" I was laughing my ass off. I don't know why, but it was so funny. I guess it's because my friends do that all the time and they write about the funniest things when they are high.

All in all, I love your writing. I don't know what to tell you what to improve on. Actually, you should start using apostrophe's, but that's all. (40/40)

Layout: A simple layout thanks to into another designs. I like the picture of the flower. I seems to match you so well because of your personality and your writing. The way the flower is so beautiful and looks so young and different shows it. (20/20)

Emotions: I felt a true connection with you in this entry. I know how you feel about your parents making your life miserable. My dad is the one that makes my life miserable. I understand about the drugs and drinking because I, too, do it. oops, I kind of went off subject. Anyways. I really felt a lot of emotions through your writing. (22/20)

Extras: You have more than enough extras.(10/10)

Link: I see it. (5/5)

Contact: You have notes, e-mail, and your screenname, try to get a guestbook for those who doesnt have a diarylant.(4/5)

Total: (101/100) You can join our Sweet Platinum diary ring.


Favorite Entry This entry was a really good entry.

Favorite Quote: "this isnt living; this is dying with a heartbeat."

Comments: I really love reading your diary. You seem like a really down-to-earth type of gal. I can definately relate to your writing, and I'm sure other people can too.

Reviewed by: Thi

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