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Content: (40/40) Wow.. your diary captured me in a way no other diary ever will. You put my diary, which I am very proud of - to shame! You have so much emotion and topic development, and your words touch me, and probably every other reader as well. I had to re-read some of your great entires, such as this entry, just to try and feel everything you put into your writing. You are a great writer. I'm absalutely dumb founded at how amazingly great, and beautiful your diary really is..

Layout: (20/20) You're layout screams personality. I like simple black and white, and very nuteral colors - layouts that really stand out to me. The quotes on your layout are also great. It's cute, love it all!

Emotion: (20/20) I've alrady said it, but your diary basically pinned me to my computer screen and I couldn't close the windows or move to the next page. You have so much emotion and you explain it so well. Emotion confessed through words is more powerful then anyone could ever imagine. I love how you word your feelings, and you totally inspire me.

Extras: (10/10) You have plenty of extra pages, plenty for me - you are golden, for sure.

Link:(0/5) I couldn't even find a link to other review sites, or reviews that have been done. I don't know if I was looking in the wrong place or what-not, but sorry sweety!

Contact: (5/5) YUP, email, aim, guestbook - all that good stuff!

TOTAL: 95/100

Comments: Your diary really did inspire me, and not usually does any diary capture me like yours does, and that is truely great. You have such a talent for writing, I just thought I'd let you know! You are wonderful! !

Reviewed by: Ashley

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