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Content: (27/40) Your diary was hard to read, I could not find any "older entires" link, so I had to constantly click the "back" link. Your diary is very day-to-day, not too much emotion and if there is, it is usually about you getting mad at people in general, and you dont specify who you are mad at, and why. That kind of emotion kind of kills my interest. ..

Layout: (20/20) Your layout is very cute, and I like it a lot. It is a layout I would chose for myself even. The colours are nicely put together, and the text is great. I like quotes and such about love, hurt, and life. Those are the most important parts of living. Your layout is very organized, I like, I like a lot!

Emotion: (13/20) You don't have too much emotion, not enough to really interest me. There are only a few entries that really expressed how you felt was one of your current entries, this one. Maybe you need to brush up on some of your detail writing, make your entries a bit more exciting. Just a suggestion though.

Extras: (10/10) Great amount of extras, plenty of things to read beyond just entires. Great job, bios, tagboards and such are really interesting.

Link:(5/5) Hooray! Sweet Reviews IS linked to your diary, thankies! ;)

Contact: (5/5) Email, aim, guestbook, profile - everything anyone would need to get ahold of you!

TOTAL: 80/100

Comments: Your diary is cute, but more emotion would make your diary wonderful. Just as a suggestion - throw some quotes in there, song lyrics, things that made you laugh - anything cute can really spice up your diary.

Reviewed by: Ashley

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