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Content: (34/40) Your entries are very complex, and very very day-to-day. You throw in emotion once in a while, but not to often. It's more like reading a old to-do list, or something, then reading a diary. The only interesting things I really read are things about your music, and your boyfriend. If you put the detail into all your other entries, like you do when you write about them - you'd be golden!

Layout: (10/20) I don't particularly like your layout image, it throws me off when I read the beautiful text. And, I don't quite understand the Z, instead of the Th's, but I'm figuring it's from another language - and other languages are beyond me. But I have to give you credit for being so intelligent. Your layout is very organized, but the colors drown out the emotion in your entries. I feel a new layout is in order - but that is up to you.

Emotion: (18/20) You have plenty of emotion, but only in specific topics that you talk about - like your boyfriend, family, and music. Thats good, and I can't dock you too many points for it, because those topics are he most important to you. You do a lot more explaining to the reader, then most writers do. I'm not sure if I like it or not - but it does inform the reader of the things you are doing.

Extras: (10/10) PLENTY, I mean, plenty of extras on your page. So much to read, and never enough time to do it!

Link:(5/5) Aww, how sweet of you, we're linked! Thanks!

Contact: (5/5) AIM, guestbook, email - everything right there on your main page. cool!

TOTAL: 82/100

Reviewed by: Ashley

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