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When will these tears stop falling?

Content: The first entry you have says: "R.I.P James Arnette". I'm not sure what happened but if someone close to you died, I'm so sorry. I've had to go through that 2 times this year and I know it's really hard. The next entry I read was the "Dear Diary" lyrics. Britney Spears isn't my favorite person but those lyrics must have some special meaing to you or you wouldn't have put them in there. I sometimes feel like my diary is the only thing I can truly confide in and those lyrics state that perfectly.
You cuss a lot in your diary. Or at least the entry I read. It doesn't bug me, I'm just not the person who cusses. You seem to have a very good sense of humor though. There was no one but fat chicks in tube tops, gothic guys in all black, and big, 50 year old bouncers. woohoo.... NOT. Now, that, sounds like a party. ; )

You seem to put a lot into your writing. Emotions, and cussing is a way of showing how you feel! The entry on how that guy made you mad and how you wanted to tell him off showed me you. It showed me how you acted and let me get to know you better, even just by your writing. I read some more lyrics which mean something to you too. I love finding a song that can really relate to you. I could relate to you in this entry. I could relate to you in a lot of entries, how you felt and what you were going through. Overall, your content wasn't bad and I pretty much enjoyed it!

Content Score: 30/40

Layout: I love your layout. From the first time I say it, it was just very original. I have never seen it before. When you move your mouse around I love how those lines follow you. It's very straight and to the point. The colors are very nice and it's very simple. It's a great layout. The fonts are easy to read and all the links seem to be working. There is one thing that I see that isn't working, the "imood". I would check that out if I were you. But that's the only thing I can find. Wonderful layout.

Layout Score: 19/20

Emotions: You know how to show your emotion in your writing and you aren't afraid to show it. I could tell how you were feeling in every single entry you wrote, even if it was just lyrics! That's a great thing. Keep that up.

Emotions Score: 15/20

Extras: You have lots and lots of extras. You have extra links and a whole page set aside just for extras. I love that you have pictures that I can look at. I love knowing who I am reading about. Wonderful! ; )

Extras Score: 12/10

Links: All your links seem to be working and you have a lot of them! So, nice work.

Links Score: 5/5

Contact: You have a guestbook, notes, an AIM. Plenty of ways to contact you.

Contact Score: 5/5

Total Score: 86/100


Favourite Entry: I didn't really have one. All of your writing was pretty good. I enjoyed it.

Favourite Quote: "I can't stop thinking about him. Everything he's ever said, anything we've ever done, every feeling I got when we touched. Over, and Over again. I don't know what to do with myself!"

I've had that happen to me too.

Comments: You could use a little better grammar skills, but who cares? It's your own diary and you can type however the heck you want. That's what I love about those things. Your writing was pretty good, you got your emotions over quite well and that's always fun to read. I hope that you had a good Christmas and I'll come back to read some more! Good luck.

Reviewed by: Lyndsey

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