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Content: You have a day-log, and you write whatever comes to mind about your day. There are a few miss-spelled words, the word "I" is never capitalized, and you use shortcuts like "coz" or "bro." Not the most grammarical diary, or the most interesting, but you had some bright spots.

Content Score: 17/40

Layout: I started viewing your diary in Netscape, and the font drove me nuts. So, I looked at it in IE and realizesd that was worse. You need to switch to a font that is easier to read. I had a hard time reviewing your diary because it took me forever to figure what I was looking at.
The rest of it is simple, no pic, and is surrounded by all kinds of links. A little messy, but not bad. Just fix the font.

Layout Score: 13/20

Emotions: Not very much emotion. It suffered because your content doesn't allow for emotion. Sort of a catch 22 between them. You use a few swear words to express yourself, and the word "good" a lot, but deep emotions didn't shine through. Think about putting them in your diary, and you could really have potential.

Emotions Score: 10/20

Extras: Links, rings, poetry, etc...

Extras Score: 10/10

Link: Found it.

Link Score: 5/5

Contact: Guestbook, and, e-mail.

Contact Score: 5/5

Total Score: 60/100


Comments:Your font "Vinar hand ITC" is cool, but not something the whole diary should have. Okay. I'm beating a dead horse now.

Reviewed By:Amanda

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