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Scrupulous Imperfection

Content: This was the first entry I read and it was really good. I especially like what you wrote about trust and how you won�t violate it. It was really interesting, your diary, because you write about things that, in general, matter to people as well as yourself. You also write about things that are related to you, about your life and details that happened in it.

Your writing style is pretty good. It isn�t how I usually write, but you give the reader an impression that you�re writing so casually, with full of amazing descriptions, as in this and this, that your entire diary became interesting.

Content Score: 33/40

Layout: Beautiful layout. I haven�t yet seen a layout as beautiful as this. Everything, the image, the colours, the links in your diary blends in so perfectly. This layout is done by Magelet Designs. The navigation was good, but the only thing I didn�t like about this layout is that the image took too much space, while your writing only had a relatively small text box. But yes, good work.

Layout Score: 17/20

Emotions: You can write well, but when it comes to the emotions, your writing didn�t really capture my attention. Your diary captured my attention in other ways, but generally, your emotions weren�t so well expressed.

Emotions Score: 9/20

Extras: Links, rings, profile, the Test, about you, and trivalry.

Extras Score: 12/10

Links: A working text link.

Links Score: 5/5

Contacts: Guestbook, notes, IM and email.

Contact Score: 4/5

Total Score: 80/100 You are eligible to join the Silver Ring.


Favourite Entry: This was my favourite entry. I liked your point of view.

Favourite Quote: Art is for freedom and to draw out a new world. Then, you can live in that world and pretend reality is the illusion - not the other way around...but that's when all the problems start.

Comments: You�re creative and imaginative. This added so much colour to your diary. You never run out of things to write and there were very few entries in which were mere crap. Put in more effort and try to use more emotive language. But on the whole, I liked your diary.

Reviewed by: Charlene

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