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:: Grand Theft Autumn

Content: Man, where can I start? Your diary was off the chains. I started with, this entry. The next entry made me laugh, let me apologize for being so slow with your review. I love how you write. I love the fact that you use paragraph breaks. I also love the fact that you put the song you are currently listening to, and you like reggae. I thought I was the only one who likes Notch - Nuttin No Go So. Overall your diary was very wonderful. You have A LOT of talent. Your entries are all unique, and quite entertaining. 5 bonus points because I have nothing to complain about.

Content Score: 45/40

Layout: Self designed. Wow, it's not one of those crappy layouts that a lot of diaryland users make and it's not the same boring every day thing. I'm so jealous, this is some good stuff. I especially loved the color theme not boring at all. I only had one problem, something about my internet doesn't support javascript. So your archives links and some others didn't work for me. Yet it worked for my friends so you lose no points here.

Layout Score: 20/20

Emotions: No problems here either. This is starting to look like a perfect review. You ceretainly use a lot of emotion, especially when mentioning Sofia.

Emotions Score: 20/20

Extras: reads, bio, rings, webcam, surveys, wishlist, reviews, weather, extracs, asi, poetry and I feel like I'm missing some.

Extras Score: 12/10

Link: Yup i found it after a while. =)..

Link Score: 5/5

Contact: Email, Notes, G-book, AIM..

Contact Score: 5/5

Total Score: 107/100 Sweet Platinum ring


Favorite Entry: Many, but this one caught my eye.. haha desi guys.

Favorite Quote: "When I say bumped into, I mean rammed my shopping kart/trolley as hard as I could into the back of her legs, knocking her off her feet and into a mountain of peas. Peas looks weird plural. "

Comments: Great job. This is one of the best diary I have reviewed yet. Keep up the extraordinary work.

Reviewed By: Sonia

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