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Da Diva�s Brain Spittle


It�s good that you use correct punctuation. Everything is perfect the way you put it.

Your style is smooth. You stay on one subject and keep the same tone throughout the whole entry. It�s very easy to understand and get into.

The only thing I don�t like about it is that you usually just talk about your day. Sure people you know would love to read every detail about how your day went, but me, as a reviewer, I want to know more on you and not just your day.

Recent skips� but not too much. Sometimes even multiples. (35/40)

Layout: It�s a little scary. The cat thing is� creepy sort of. But, it�s different. Layout goes to black-scribble (17/20)

Emotions: You don�t really show much of an emotion. It�s all about your day. Sometimes you would start the entries with �I�m feeling� today� and that�s all you give me.(15/20)

Extras: Some� cast page and pictures and rings� (6/10)

Link: It�s there. (5/5)

Contact:Notes, guestbook and e-mail (3/5)

Total: (81/100)


Favorite Entry: This was a funny entry about your lesbian friends.

Favorite Quote: I'm just who I was, am and ever will be.

Comments:You are very talented. All I have to say is keep it up.

You can join the Sweet Silver Diary Ring

Reviewed by:: Thi

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