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//Feather Quill


I can�t get into your diaryland at all. It�s pretty boring. Not only that, but you say so many random things that I get so confused

You talk about the same people over and over, and that�s not a bad thing, but sometimes I think you only know like four people.

You have MANY skips! And rarely have multiples. (25/40)

Layout: Your layout in the beginning was on auto format, so that was a bore. It wasn�t till recent since you changed it. Now the layout is better. But it�s still boring. All the links are messed up and weird. The layout didn�t really catch my eye, only the pink-ness of it did.Layout goes to jdesigns (17/20)

Emotions: Barely any!!! You just talk about your day. (10/20)


Link: It�s there. (5/5)

Contact:Notes? Maybe more but I can�t find a lot.(1/5)

Total: (63/100)


Favorite Entry: This was the only entry I got into.

Favorite Quote: My dreams are becoming nightmares again.

Comments:You talk about your day most of the time. Try to talk about yourself a lot more. And your layout needs a lot of work

Reviewed by:: Thi

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