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::.What you Hide is What you Are.::

Content: This was the first entry that really caught my eye. The first paragraph is really good. This was nice, you shared your hopes and dreams and goals all in one entry. This one was adorable! People crave that feeling forever once they've had it. Very true and well written. I so want a horse. It's also nice to share your birthday. I share the actual day and year with one of my best friends. This was very emotional, and easily read. This one was very interesting, I like thunderstorms too.

What? I thought you were dating Charley? It's a little confusing when you talk about these "hot guys" that you get along with. Personally I know a lot of hot guys that I get along with as well, so I can relate. However, not everyone can get along with boys as well as people like us. You might wanna explain your relationship with these guys so that other girls can relate to you. Personally, I have a hard time relating to other girls, lol I think they're backstabbing. So, write about that sometime, it makes for interesting entries.

These make for good entries to look back on. I love reading things like that. I'm going to miss the fun I had in high school, and all of my younger friends. So yeah, entries like that are great to read.

Unoriginal idea, looking back on your childhood in general, but you own it. You made it yours and you personalized it. You took the risk of being boring and overused, and achieved a great entry.

Yes diaryland's uh B1t@hyness can be a big mood changer. I've written some pretty crap entries because I was mad at diaryland.

Personal experiences are always welcomed as entries. Very interesting. Living in Virginia, well, in a very deep valley in Virginia, we don't get hit often by Hurricanes, but when we do, oh yeah, it's exciting. I really hate to say it, but it is so, incredibly exciting for me. Floods and Hurricanes, that's all we get.

Very cool. I laughed until my stomach hurt with that one.

Gahhh I hate it when people say that. It's not 10 times worse in private. In public it's almost like you're showing off how close you are (admit it or not) so it's NOT 10 times worse in private lol, curse ye parents, ya liars.

This was unique. I was because mostly people tend to make an entire entry about a review. That drives me nuts because 1, it could influence my way of reviewing, 2 it gets boring talking about yourself in such a way. I'm glad you don't do that!

LOL you guys are adorable. The pictures really add to your diary. I hate to include them in content, because I suppose content is supposed to be written. I just couldn't pass up talking about the pictures. The pictures you put in your diary make your diary even more interesting. It's almost like your readers feel that they live next door. They really make your diary great.

This one is all too familiar. So many times have I waited, only to be let down, sometimes 3 hours, sometimes 15 minutes. It's a terrible feeling. I so hate that. Boys will be boys.

The music on this one... lol I love Flock of Seagulls, mostly because Seagulls don't flock! :-D.

I feel the same way except it's my dad, not my mom. When people read these things they sympathize with you, they feel your pain, and they think they know you. The more they think they know you, the more often they come back to read more about you!

This scared me... this was even more terrifying. I'm really really shocked... seriously. Wow, it'll take me a while to recover from.

This was refreshing, lol "bob".

You wrote well in this one, you were really inspired.

Your entries got better, and then, boring, and then better. But overall, they were good. Mediocre, yet, suiting. I'm pleased with your diary, but not overly impressed.

Content Score: 35/40

Layout: Okay, I'm ignoring the Manson one... lol that was just creepy. I like the new one, better. It's so much more you. And if I'm not mistaken... you designed it.

Layout Score: 20/20

Emotions: You don't really let us see your emotions all the time. However, I'm not so opposed to that, because it makes it all the more refreshing when we do see your emotions. In the beginning of your diary you just went through the motions, "this happened today," sorta stuff, but you fixed that quickly. Like I said, I'm not impressed, but I'm pleased.

Emotions Score: 18/20

Extras: Oh yeah, tons and tons and tons, I'm counting pictures as well.

Extras Score: 15/10

Link: It's there and it works!

Link Score: 5/5

Contact: 5 ways!

Contact Score: 5/5

Total: 98/100 You may join the Sweet Gold Ring, and you will be added to our favorites!


Favorite Entry: Wow... probably this.

Favorite Quote: There were a lot, I really can't pick.

Comments: I'll be coming back. You aren't like other writers. You're not overly fancy and complicated. You're very simply read, and that's not something to turn your nose up at. I was pleased to do your review.

Reviewed By:: Judith

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