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And It's a Widescreen World Around Me

Content: Your entries are so interesting to read. You live a completly different life than I do. I am a lot younger than you but it's so fun to read. I'm sorry about the people at your work. No one should be treated like that, no matter what their age. I know you hate it but I would try my best to ignore them. It's probably hard and I can't really relate, but I hope everything turns out ok!!

You mix emotion and humor into your writing. You talk about day to day things and make them funny. Not all of your entries are like that, but there are some. It was a good change to read that you had a good mixture of different emotions in your diary. I througly enjoyed it : D

Content Score: 35/40

Layout: The blue in the background is really pretty. You explain all about it here. All the colors flow very nice together. The picture is simple yet says a lot. There is a lot of room for your links at the top and you even have more at the bottom. The bottom seems almost cluttered to me, I don't get the box with the counter in it because I can't see it. It took me a while to finally read the letters, so that's one thing I didn't really like. You have all your old entries archived and very nicely I might say. You have your own design site and you designed this one yourself, so I give you lots of credit for that. Like I said, the only thing I didn't really like was the counter...and if that's all, it's fine! ; )

Layout Score: 19/20

Emotions: Yes, you have emotions!! You use emotions in about every one of your entries. Happy emotions, they don't have to be deep but you pretty much do!!

Emotions Score: 15/20

Extras: Disclaimer, rings, links, reviews, "more", buddies, and a Notify List. Oh and two imoods!! You have a lot!

Extras Score: 13/10

Link: Yup, it's there!

Link Score: 5/5

Contact: E-mail, notes, and a guestbook. Plenty of ways.

Contact Score: 5/5

Total: 92/100


Favorite Entry: I couldn't pick one!

Favorite Quote: I feel like crap personified. Honestly, I was thinking of drawing a poo and putting eyes on it and calling it Me.

Comments: You have a great diary. You mix everything into one thing and call it yours. It's a good read and I really enjoyed it!! I'll come back

Reviewed By:: Lyndsey

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