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True love taste mad sweet.

Content: (28/40) This, This">this, and this were great, but then as I read deeper they didnt seem that great anymore, I mean your other entries. This entry totally put me off. I hated it. But this wasnt so bad, and I like that small piece of poem over there. Nice work.

Layout: (18/20) Alee Designs! I just LOVE that design site! I used to frequent there but in the end moved on. Oh well.

This layout is pretty alright. Everything around is pretty organised and neat and wonderful, but the picture, juicy little secrets, is erm.. disgusting. Honestly. It put me off. So I kept scrolling down to get away from it.

But 'juicy little secrets', and your title, 'true love taste mad sweet', really matches your diary. Locked full of secrets that you've pouredout, and the taste of true love, wonderful. It doesnt matter much that I dont like the picture, it matches YOU, and that's all you need. Perfect. It's a little too white though. I never did like layouts with white backgrounds.

Emotion: (14/20) You pulled me into your world for some of the entries that I've listed here. It was great. But the other entries? They werent that great and I was simply an outsider just watching and hating every moment of it. Okay, hate is too strong a word, dislike would do the trick. But seriously, you showed emotion for the most part. It was great.

Extras: (10/10) Very few. How about creating an extras page?

Link:(5/5) Wow we're linked, right on the template itself! Wow!

Contact: (5/5) Good enough to make me happy. But seriously, you should put everything into one contact page.

TOTAL: 71/100

Favorite Entry: This entry was great! So was this, this">this, and this and wow! So many! I just couldnt pick one!

Favorite Quote: "In the end everything will turn out ok and if it isnt ok then it isnt the end".... Wonderful quote!!

Comments: I like your writing (and quotes)...for the most part. But I'll be coming back every now and then.

Reviewed by: Jewelx

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