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Content: (28/40) Mostly a daylog, huh? You write for the sake of a diary, which is pretty much great on your part. You put what you are saying across very plainly, and paint a clear image with your usage of words, but there was no emotion. Not enough to make me feel, for that matter then. And it was very boring. But because you're one of the few I've come across while reviewing who write for the sake of their diary, I'm giving you bonus points.

Layout: (13/20) Mmm.. Well it's not good, but it's not bad either. It's too red for my liking, and I dont really like that picture of that girl on the left either. Your font size could be bigger and you could probably put in a different font colour for it to spice up your diary too. But not bad. Did you design this yourself? I take it that you did since I see no design link, so one point there.

Emotion: (10/20) Nope. I didnt feel much while reading your diary. You simply didnt make me feel. You expressed a very clear picture of what you were trying to say, but no emotion, as I said above. But emotion was there to let me know what you were feeling, not clear enough but good enough for me.

Extras: (10/10) Very few. Only Reviews and Pictures. Maybe you should create an extra page, and also a contact page. Your navigation isnt clear.

Link:(5/5) Yep you linked to us, and what's more, you used a banner. Great!

Contact: (5/5) Good enough to make me happy.

TOTAL: 71/100

Comments: Pretty much your average diary, I guess. Take my suggestions into consideration, please.

Reviewed by: Jewelx

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