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a faerie tale

Content: In your introduction, you wrote this is where you will put stories and can include entries about your life, etc too. Stories are great but I hope to learn lots about you as well. Well, it's good you write about what happens during your day and sometimes you have a quote before entries. This was okay, especially the beginning part because it made me smile/laugh a little. But then you only mention a few things that are going on. More detail! You write a teeny bit about how you're feeling, about one sentence if at all. Hey, we're the same type of writer (descriptive). =) I think in this one you go a lot more in depth and into your feelings as well which was great. Now I know you can be descriptive, and creative. And in the remaining entries I read, they all were much better than the past and kept my attention. A lot of times, though, you still don't go into as much detail as I would like (because you just mention it and stop there) but not too bad. (32/40).

Layout: This is a beautiful design by LOTR Fan Templates but it didn't look Lord of the Ring-ish to me which is nice. I think the scroll bars would look better as more pink-ish, not the peach but besides that, the edges of pink are good, the art is wonderful ( I love the butterfly, fairy like person, just everything about it!), and underneath the picture are the words "A fairy tale is... Magic Love Truth Wisdom" down the side of entries and even though it's light, almost blends into the page, it's a gorgeous font that I absolutely love and the butterfly next to it is a nice touch. I don't really like the drop-down menus but you have only one, and made it easy to use and navigate, plus I like how the first one is called "flutter." Totally goes with your layout. But "Chatbox" and "tagboard" and the one called "contact" should all be with the 2nd batch of links right? (because they're not extras. Anyway they are in a pink font which matches perfectly with everything else. I also like how the background is marbled and though I don't usually like light grey text, it was easy to read on your entries. PS Maybe you should archive older entries though? (20/20).

Emotions: Entries like these and this one (one of my faves) showed that you can be emotional in your diary. I'm so sorry that has to happen to you though. It's a shame to read about. In some entries, you've written about feelings, and it's nicely done. (16/20).

Extras: Cast, links, rings, quizzes, fluffy designs, kinderstem, which is great but more like about you? (7/10).

Link: You used a button link. (5/5).

Contact: Chatterbox, email, notes, guestbook, tagboard. Cool. (5/5).

Total: 85/100


Favorite Entry: Some linked in review.

Favorite Quote: Sitting in the hot heat, reading, and petting the dogs. Yes... and Rocky came over to me and drooled on my knee. How touching. Dog slobber... I never liked that dog; he's a monster. Now, I'm one who likes dogs over cats, so this is a rare thing. This one bit my brother when he was only six, on the shoulder! The poor boy was crying histerically, and never went by that dog again. I've had spite over him since, and he's been an annoying little pest everytime he sees me.

Comments: Ooh, so you're kinderstem I've been there before and commented on the layout, remember? Maybe not but oh well. But I've already signed your guestbook at this diary too.. Dang. Anyway, I think you write about your day a bit too much. It's okay if something nice or funny or whatever happened and you want to expand on it, put your feelings and thoughts on that but not everything.

You may join the Silver ring.

Reviewed by Kathy

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