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You said you loved me, or were you just being kind?

Content: I started with this entry. I'm not sure what to say. I want to know what Nick said to you! It's a bit implied, but I want to know what's going on. All this 'juicy gossip' type stuff, it's what a lot of people want to read. The best thing is that you can write about it without giving out every last detail.
I can tell you've been going through a tough time because of the break-up. Nick seems to be the typical guy I end up with. You've been hurt, and that sucks. You should expand on things a bit more.

Content Score: 30/40

Layout: A layout by this, that, and whatever designs. The black and white keep it easy on the eyes, I like it. Your diary got a bit difficult to read because the next button kept bringing me to your current entry, after I read a few, and then it worked again. I'm not sure if it's your html, but you might want to look into that

Layout Score: 19/20

Emotions: This entry really got me going. You are angry with every reason to be so, and you tell it like it is. You put your emotions out there, and I felt more like you. That's what your diary needed.Here you literaly list out your emotions, and after all that's been going on, it actually helps to do that. You let the reader understand that you're not just one dimensional, but you need to try and find the bright side to something so your diary doesn't come off as another "angsty teen" diary.

Emotions Score: 20/20

Extras: Rings, bio, cast, poetry, music, and pics.

Extras Score: 10/10

Link: A working button.

Link Score: 5/5

Contact: E-mail, notes, guestbook, and AIM.

Contact Score: 5/5

Total Score: 89/100


Comments:Guys suck. I spent all of last summer getting over a guy who I shouldn't have dated in the first place. Keep writing the feelings and emotions you have because it will help you become stronger. I might just come back to see how you're doing.

Reviewed By:Amanda

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