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a pen is mightier than a sword

Content: I don't know, it seems like you write about what you do during the day an awful lot and it's not really detailed. In one entry you wrote about an email, then added two pictures. In the next you have written a re-cap in the beginning but then add some stuff about "Why Men are like Cars." (link) It was quite funny. At first I didn't realize it was written by you and some friends. Good job then. It looked like something from a magazine article or online. A lot of your entries are just stating what happened in class, then you did this, etc etc. This was okay but not much difference. In some of the more recent entries, I think you try to get away from the day-log mentality and write a little bit about what you're thinking and opinions. This is better; a list of what you miss. Slowly getting to know you somewhat. (28/40).

Layout: Hmm, I think the overall theme with the rose on the side is lovely, but does the banner of Rent at the top need to bet there? I think it distracts and kind of clutters the page. Anyway I like the light background of music -- beautiful but all the links to the right side.. they are so many. And the type is so small. I think you should make the font bigger, get read of the last 5 entries thing and get rid of all those ~*~ or whatever it is at the bottom of entries. And take out Butterpuff's link because there's no picture. You have links in a dropdown menu at bottom of entry. I think the whole thing should be on the page so there's no scroll bar on the bottom. Anyway did you design it? You might want to make it more clear. Since I don't see a design link anywhere, I'm giving you the benefit of doubt and guessing you designed it yourself. Quite good, especially the roses and music notes background. But the font is so tiny and I already mentioned other things... Oh yea, at first I couldn't find a link to archives. Make that more noticeable too. PS Wow, I like the layout for your archive page even though words are all still too darn small! PPS And this is weird, each time I went to a page in your diary it'd say "Connect to Butterpuff" and ask for password/username. How did that happen? It got really annoying. I hope you can fix it. (16/20).

Emotions: I think you're getting much better in this department. It's still not a ton of emotions, but now you're starting to open up somewhat and give us more of you, opinnions and feelings which is what I want! You could stand to do more of that though. Here's a good example of when you write with emotion and express yourself well. If you have more entries like that, you'll get a perfect score. (15/20).

Extras: Yes, you have 101, links, lyrics, and rings, etc but I don't know, I can't find all of them easily in one place. (8/10).

Link: Yes it's in the drop-down menu. (5/5)

Contact: Email, guestbook, notes. Classic Three and what I have too. (5/5)

Total: 77/100


Favorite Entry: I liked this.

Favorite Quote: a little while ago i got really- melancholy i guess is the only word that fits here- but almost to the point of tears. i'm not sure why, but i just started thinking about everything serious. it's as if- hell i don't even know what i'm trying to say. when i realize how i feel then i'll write it.

Comments: You seem like a really sweet person (I agreed with many things found on your 101 Things list) and when you wrote with feeling, it was the best thing.

Reviewed by Kathy

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