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the more you live... the more you learn how to deal...

Content: The content of your diary mainly consists of the details of your daily life, which are sometimes interesting, for you tell people a lot about yourself. Your topics vary from friendship, to spiders, to 30 things, and to what you want to do. This provides a variety of topics, but at the same time, there is a need for you to vary your content, meaning that because it is an online diary, and people are reading it, you should write, at times, also for your readers.

However, I like the way you start your diary entries with lyrics. It made the entire journal interesting, and as though the lyrics symbolize some of your thoughts, it�s a good way to begin an entry. This was good.

Content Score: 30/40

Layout: The layout is based on the movie. It�s quite nice, thanks to Outtatune Designs. The layout is very sweet, but I think it takes up too much of the page.

Layout Score: 13/20

Emotions: In this entry, you talked about three very extreme emotions. But mainly, your diary didn�t really involved your emotions, but rather details about your daily life.

Emotions Score: 8/20

Extras: Profile, bio, extras, cast, pictures, reviews, Friday Five, you have ever so many.

Extras Score: 12/10

Links: The links are working.

Links Score:5/5

Contacts: Guestbook, AIM, yahoo messenger and notes.

Contact Score: 4/5

Total Score: 72/100


Favourite Entry: This entry.

Favourite Quote: Hiccups are a creation from the devil. That was real funny.

Comments: I see you really want to write. But with real good writing, there should be more descriptions and emotive writing. Only through that that a reader�s attention can be captured.

Reviewed by: Charlene

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