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EverMind NeverMore

Content: Your writing was wonderful. You were very descriptive in what you wrote about and you used great words. It was so awesome to read your diary, it was very very interesting and I loved reading all that I read. If I didn't have to review other diaries and do other things, I would have read your whole diary. This was a good entry. You are an amazing writer. You use words like an artist uses paint. It is beautiful to read and I can't stop. I read entries from every single month and they were all just as good from the very first entry I read. I love reading your diary and I'm sure I will be back.

Content Score: 45/40

Layout: It's really cool. The first time I saw it I was like, MAN! That rules. You have great HTML skills. All your layouts are cool and your design site is good too. The picture you used is origional. All the layout is, and the quote you used means something to you. So, all in all I really like this layout. And you made it yourself. Bonus!

Layout Score: 21/20

Emotions: That must be your middle name or something. You use so much depth in your writing and so much emotion it's almost unreal. You writing is just wonderful to read and you shouldn't change it for the world!

Emotions Score: 16/20

Extras: Tagboard, a blog to write down other thoughs that you don't want to waste entries on, "Me", "Myself", and "I". Those are all very cool ideas, I really like them. Reviews, Links, a counter and another counter. Loads of extras.

Extras Score: 12/10

Links: Yes, it's there and it works

Links Score: 5/5

Contacts: A whole contact page!! Wow, you have so many ways...

Contact Score: 7/5

Total Score: 106/100 You are eligible to join the Sweet Platinum Ring!!


Favourite Entry: This was so well written!!

Favourite Quote: Life is not about being upset or being depressed or being a jerk, or being dumped or heartbroken. It�s about what you do about your situation that makes you a good or bad person. I want to be a good person.

Comments: You are such a talented writer. I loved reading every part of your diary. Not only do you have great interesting entries but you design layouts too. Every part of your diary is interesting and I think you do have an interesting life. Don't say you don't, you might not think it is...but to other people it could be awesome! Keep up the wonderful writing...I'll be back!

Reviewed by: Lyndsey

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