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Heartbroken... cry

Content: Your diary is very good. It involved so much descriptions and emotions, and I am shocked, for you sound very mature for your age. This entry was exceptionally good. The descriptions are so delicate that I could almost feel the way you did. Not only do you describe a simple thing like fairies and make it sound oh-so-beautiful, but you describe beauty so well I almost gasped when this entry sank upon me. Wonderful is all I could utter.

I like the fact that you talk about things that matter. This, this, and this, were good. These are things that people would do, people would be interested in, and you write not just for yourself, but also for your reader.

In short, you have content.

Content Score: 36/40

Layout: You have a nice layout. It goes on very well with your theme, and it�s beautiful. But the page seems a little cluttered up. Anyway, thanks to nndesign.

Layout Score: 17/20

Emotions: From your diary, you show that you can be emotional. This is clear in this entry, which was very good, and this.

Emotions Score: 16/20

Extras: Profile, rings, links.

Extras Score: 6/10

Links: Links are working.

Links Score: 5/5

Contacts: Guestbook, tagboard, notes and email.

Contact Score: 5/5

Total Score: 85/100 You are eligible to join the Silver Ring


Favourite Entry: This entry.

Favourite Quote: Life is not about being upset or being depressed or being a jerk, or being dumped or heartbroken. It�s about what you do about your situation that makes you a good or bad person. I want to be a good person.

Comments: You are very talented in writing. You can be poetical, and I'm looking forward to reading your new diary. Good Work.

Reviewed by: Charlene

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