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Content: I had trouble really reviewing your content because it was hard for me to get past your layout, but more on that below.
What you write is much like what you describe your brother's writing as, except you have good grammar. You write about whatever is on your mind and what is going on. It's not that that is so bad, but I had some trouble knowing more about you, and it got really hard to get through entries that ramble like this.

Content Score: 20/40

Layout: I'm sorry, but my first impression was ouch. The drawing isn't so bad, but those blue dots gave me a headache. The scroll feature is a bit annoying, but I managed. You need to add a next and last button. Without those it was frustrating to have to click back to your older.html page to read older entries. Nevertheless, you did design it yourself, so not all hope is lost.

Layout Score: 11/20

Emotions: I couldn't find too much. You wrote in this entry about making up with your boyfriend, but all you could say about it was that it was "sweet." You need to tell me more because to me making up with someone who you obviously care so much about is a bigger deal than that. Write about how it makes you feel about your future together, or why you think you were both "stupid." Doing that will greatly enhance your diary.

Emotions Score: 10/20

Extras:Rings, self design, auto biography, links, & pictures.

Extras Score: 10/10

Link: It works.

Link Score: 5/5

Contact: E-mail, notes, and AIM.

Contact Score: 5/5

Total Score: 61/100


Comments:You are on the right track. When you add entries try to look deeper into why you feel they need to go on the page. Your diary has potential.

Reviewed By:Amanda

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