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Raver @ heart

Content: This was one of the rare good entries. You wrote about how you cleaned up your room, and what you resolute to do in future. It wasn�t just about your daily ramblings, but rather about the effect of an incident on you, and how it changed you. This was good.

This, about things you want to do before you die, was quite interesting. It was one of the rare ones that wasn�t too bad.

In general, your diary didn't interest me. There was nothing in your diary that interest me because you only write on and on about your daily life. I know it's your diary, but the way you narrate it should be improved.

Content Score: 15/40

Layout: Considering you did the layout yourself since there�s no link to a design page, it�s okay. But the layout is rather messy. You can actually clear up the navigation. There should be some systematic order in which you put your links too. The tagboard is rather out of place and the stuff on your page is just very messy. Also, the small space you reserved for your writing was too small that it becomes really hard for readers to read your entries. That really put me off.

Layout Score: 8/20

Emotions: Rather little emotions were expressed in your writing. This entry showed your anger, but you didn�t describe it in detail. Readers can see that you were angry, but you generally didn�t describe how you feel about things.

Emotions Score: 5/20

Extras: Links, reviews, profile, cast, rings, poll, cliques, quizzes, you have a lot.

Extras Score: 15/10

Links: A working button link.

Links Score: 5/5

Contacts: Guestbook, email, AIM, notes, and tagboard.

Contact Score: 5/5

Total Score: 53/100


Favourite Entry: None

Favourite Quote: None

Comments: You can improve your diary in a great way. Describe more about your feelings, about how you�ve changed, and what you�re going through in your life. There should not be too many just-another-day entries. Improve on that, and perhaps you can ask for a rereview.

Reviewed by: Charlene

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