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hold on to me

Content: Things started off a bit slow. You have several entries about wanting to change your layout, and then I suppose you did. Your diary picked up in this entry. It was like you spoke to me because I kept noding as you talked about weight issues, not to mention the first part of the entry was entertaining. You sound like you really can be yourself around your friends, and boyfriend. I get more than just a glimpse about your life from your entries. You sound a little concerned about yourself, but I'm glad you've got yourself on the right path, you will go places, just keep you self esteem up like in many of your entries.

Content Score: 37/40

Layout: A self made layout, kudos for that. It's easy to navigate, and simple enough to not be annoying. The color of your links blend a bit too much with the color of the table behind them. great work.

Layout Score: 19/20

Emotions You leave out details about how some things make you feel. In this entry, you say you were molested by a man who sold you something, but you never say what he did, or how it made you feel. You talk a lot about being paranoid, and I can totaly understand that, but sometimes I think your emotions get lost when you write.

Emtions Score: 17/20

Extras:Cast, rings, links, trading card, and more.

Extras Score: 10/10

Link: Right on top of the list.

Link Score: 5/5 Contact:E-mail, notes, text message (that's a new one to me), AIM, & and a tagboard. Whoo!

Contact Score: 6/5

Total Score: 94/100 Totally Sweet. You can join the Gold Ring


Favorite Quote:
"I also got this toothbrush holder. It looks like a dildo. I'm afraid my roommate think that and shun me. I swear... it's a toothbrush holder - not a dildo."

Comments: Great diary. Keep it up.

Reviewed By: Amanda

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