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the waiting game

Content:I started with this entry, and was sucked in. You write more of a daylog, but that's what a diary is for. It's a little bit random. I want to know more about you. I felt like I could connect to your life, even though our lives are completly different. You write about the little things which doesn't always help me see the big picture, but the little things are hard to write about, and they're what some people remember the most.
I agree in this entry when your refer to "About Schmidt." That movie made me feel depressed, but I think you are making a difference. A child is a big difference. Your confidence is on a bit of a rollarcoaster. Of course, so is your life. Your writing dragged a little as I read on, but it kept my interest, and I'm better off for reading your diary. I hope things go well with you and Kat.

Content Score: 34/40

Layout: Layout seems to be a combination from Lissy and layoutwhore. The colors go quite well together, which is a bit surprising because they're very vivid. It's very easy to navigate, and fits your diary well. The only problem I have is the grey lettering on your picture is a bit distracting.

Layout Score: 18/20

Emotions: You write about so many emotional, and personal things. I think you can express yourself better. There is so much going on in your life; the baby, your mother's illness, and that you're moving. I just don't know how you feel about it all beyond a basic level. You're a good writer so I know you have the ability. You just need to get your emotions out there so other readers can truely understand you.

Emotions Score: 14/20

Extras: Quizzes, cast, 50 things, and links.

Extras Score: 8/10

Link: It's there.

Link Score:5/5

Contact: Notes & e-mail.

Contact Score: 5/5

Total Score: 84/100 You can join the Silver Ring.


Favorite Quote: "I was so glad to be with Kat, able to hold her hand. I saw a young pregnant woman alone at church (she left so quickly it was as if she didn't want anyone to know she was there) and for the first time I really prayed for a stranger even if it was only a minute."

Comments: I enjoyed your diary quite a bit. I was pleasently surprised. I have a feeling I'll return to your diary.

Reviewed By: Amanda

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