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what would you do

if I sacraficed a poem to you?

CONTENT: This is an all poetry diary. There is nothing wrong with that. You are showcasing your talent. I read the whole thing. I found a few entries this and this that I thought were really good, but a lot of the entries dragged. I am not a poet. But what I will say is that entries like this and like this are not scoring you any points. If you like song that exists, then tell me why YOU like it. Don�t cut and paste the words. Also to highlight, you misspelled the tag line to my favorite poem of yours. �sacraficed�. I recommend more about how you feel. That�s the good stuff. Some of the poetry is good, but some is not grabbing.

Content Score: 10/40

LAYOUT It�s the typical Diaryland template. You can do better. This category is all about the style of the background. You should find some templates and pick one to match your poetry. It would make visiting you site much nicer. I am not trying to be mean, but you need to go get new layout.

Layout Score: 5/20

EMOTIONS I cannot fault you for the emotions your diary shows. This is the strongest aspect. Besides the entries I listed This is also very good. I would want to see more personal stuff though. I never got a feeling of who you were. I felt like you were writing about things or to people. More courage would increase the writing and the score

Emotions Score: 15/20

EXTRAS: You linked us and filed out your profile. You also opened you notes. But that�s not really �extra�

Extras Score: 2/10

LINK: Yep, the link is there, and it works fine.

Link Score: 5/5

CONTACT: notes...I couldn�t get the email to work but I think that my end. Get a guest book, so people can tell you what they think.

Contact Score: 2/5


You have a talent; I hope that you continue writing. You need to get a new layout. And you need to put more of you into your poetry. Its cool if you don�t want to, but that�s what would attract me to your diary.

Reviewed by Gumphood

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