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Nothing Redeeming About it

Content: You ramble on and on. At times, about things that are boring to me. You talk a lot about your sexuality in this diary. That brings out your honesty, which I gave credit for, as in this entry and this entry.

The consistency of your content was too much in variety. You can actually write much better, which was shown in this entry and this entry, for there are some entries which are honestly good, but others � the majority � in which, it seems like, you didn�t put in effort at all.

You tell a lot about yourself. That is good, but do try to put it in a more interesting manner.

Content Score: 20/40

Layout: It�s a pink and blue layout, which reminds me a lot of bubblegum. It�s cute, but the colours clash together in an unnatural way and the image honestly doesn�t go with it. The navigation was all right, but everything was not entirely organized. In fact, your site was quite messy because of its layout. The older entries page was much better.

Layout Score: 9/20

Emotions: There weren�t much emotions revealed in this diary. Mainly, it was about the ups-and-downs you went through of being a lesbian.

Emotions Score: 5/20

Extras: Two profiles, your pictures, diaryrings and other online diaries.

Extras Score: 7/10

Links: Links are working.

Links Score: 5/5

Contacts: Tagboard, guestmap, email, notes and guestbook.

Contact Score: 5/5

Total Score: 51/100


Favourite Entry: None

Favourite Quote: But as she softly recounted the events that had transpired I came to realize what I have missed and what might be too difficult to achieve in a simple, uncomplicated manner in this day and age.

Comments: You diary couldn�t really capture me. It was too much about the ramblings of a daily life that I honestly couldn�t sustain myself to read all of your entries, which were numerous. I couldn�t quite get into your style of writing either. I know it�s a diary, and it�s kept personal, but remember that you�re asking for a review and I�m giving you my honest opinion about it.

Reviewed by: Charlene

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