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White Rose

CONTENT: Well, your content seems to be mainly about you and your days, as well as the events that surround you. You write very much for yourself, but I feel that you are holding back just a little. I feel that you could break out, and really free up your style. Think about it. I like this entry because it seems so uninhibited. I know how it is to be doing one thing, but then having to pretend you're doing another! Especially, when "mum" is watching!

Content Score: 35/40

LAYOUT: I really like your design. Credit to Diva Designs. I like the simplicity of your design, as well as the fact that the navigation is fairly easy. I did find that when I clicked on "new", it took me to the DiaryLand error page, so you may want to check that out. I appreciate that your archive page is well-organized. Your layout is not always consistent; there are some older entries that do not match your newest, prettier template. You may want to see if changing your older entries is an option.

Layout Score: 14/20

EMOTIONS: No complaints here. You did a nice job of conveying what you were feeling to the reader. Well done.

Emotions Score: 20/20

EXTRAS: You have some extras, but not much. You may want to add some things in the future like quizzes, surveys, etc. If you had them in there, I missed them. Still you do have some pictures and friend links.

Extras Score: 7/10

LINK: Yep, it's there, and it takes me here. :)

Link Score: 5/5

CONTACT: Email, guestbook, and notes. Yes, you are definately "contactable".

Contact Score: 5/5

TOTAL SCORE: 86/100 You may join the Silver Ring.

Reviewed By: Leslie Irene

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