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Giant Bee

Content: I read your whole diary and loved every single bit of it. You show so much interest in what you write about. You can make anything worth while to read, wether it's about the showers to how much you love Jodi. You write so deeply about her that it really touches me. I hope that one day I'll find a man that loves me as much as you love her.

Your writing is amazing. You write with so much emotion and so much depth it's great to find people writing like you. You also use great grammar and spelling. That does have a lot to do with your age, but still. I've read a lot of diarys of people your age that don't spell or don't want to capitalize things.

I really like the idea on your review site. I went there and I like how you have two people reviewing on one diary instead of one. After I get my diary fixed up I think I might sign up for a review. The layout isn't working right now, but that's a different story!!

It's amazing how much love you show for Jodi. I think that is so wonderful. It's amazing that two people can love eachother that much. It's good you show your emotions on things like that. Your diary was so interesting to read. It was very touching. I will come back!!

Content Score: 40/40

Layout: I think your girlfriend made this layout, or you worked on it together. I couldn't really tell from this. But it is a custom made and so I give you more points for that! It's a simple layout but it works for you. The picture of the bee is so cute and the colors all seem to fit. It even matches your username, so that's good. It is sort of messy, but if you like the rings being there, that's fine. I would have made a rings page and put them on there. Other than that, your navigation is all nice and neat and I don't see anything wrong with it. So, I can't see anything wrong with your layout!!

Layout Score: 18/20

Emotions: It's amazing how much emotion is in this diary. You show every emotion in the book and you are great each time. You caught me on how much emotions guys really have and that they don't share it with people. I think it's great that you do. Your diary was awesome and I've never read one with that much emotion; especially love.

Emotions Score: 22/20

Extras: Lots and lots!

Extras Score: 10/10

Link: Yes, it's on the "Reviews" page.

Link Score: 5/5

Contact: You have e-mail and a guestbook, you could set up your notes or anything else. But two is enough!

Contact Score: 4/5

Total: 99/100 You are able to join the Sweet Platinum Ring and the Favorite Diary's Ring


Favorite Entry: This was hilarious.

Favorite Quote: It worked. She was that instantanious piece that completed me. Now though, she's real to me - and I love her. She's perfect. She looks stunning, she's got a sense of humour, knows how to be with me and doesn't mind the weirder, odder side of me. Even the paranoid, schizophrenic side doesn't phase her. This entry really has turned out differently to how I planned. The bottom line is that I love you, Joni. From that first silence before the first "I love you" to just yesterday when we walked home talking, I love you. I just... I can't tell you. This is the way that I have chosen. To publically state that you mean so much more than life itself to me. You make my heart race (still!) and I'd there'd be less of me to know if it weren't for you.

Very very sweet. You have such a way with words!

Comments: Your diary was very well written and I really enjoyed reading all of it. You have such a way with words (like I said above) and you show such great emotion about everything. You made even the littlest things entertaining to read. I will definetly come back to read more of your diary.

Reviewed By:: Lyndsey

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