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A Diary of Never

Content: What a great first entry. It's absolutely brilliant. I think more journal's should bother to explain where their name came from. I must admit, that entry hooked me. Your entries are all very good. Some of them are very touching. A lot of times, I wanted to reach out and give you a big hug.
You seem to know how to write to keep people interested, even if you are talking about day-to-day things. All in all, I found your diary to be very well written! (35/40)

Layout: Although it is an edited version of a basic Dland template, I can't help but like it. First of all, I've got a soft spot for cats. Second of all, the theatre I used to perform at had that poster hanging in the lobby. It gives me that great nostalgic feeling. The colours match well. And I applaud you for doing something different to the plain old Dland template. I also want to tell you how much I like your name. I've spent many long nights alone in a theatre as well, and I understand the comfort of the ghostlight. (16/20)

Emotions: Your emotional content is great! You really know how to express yourself. You're quite descriptive when it comes to your emotions, and I loved that aspect of your diary. For some reason, I feel like I know you. You're very easy to identify with. (20/20)

Extras: Well, I have to tell you how much I love the "Books I've Read This Year" section. I honestly cheered when I saw it. Maybe that shows how much of a geek I am... and maybe I don't care. You've also got your last five entries, the little Neko cat, a site searcher, a rings page, and your regular reads. Not a ton of extras, but the extras you have are good. (8/10)

Link: On the main page. Woo. (5/5)

Contact: E-mail and Guestbook. (2/5)

Total: (86/100) Congrats, you are able to join the Sweet Reviews Silver Ring!


Favorite Entry: This was one of my favorite entries. It's well written, and the emotional content is something to admire.

Favorite Quote: "The President tonight announced that if Saddam and his two sons don't vacate Iraq within two days, that we will begin the war.

So all I can say is, I guess we'll see. I am brought to mind of the Fletcher Memorial Home." Wow. I really think we should hunt Bush down and force him to listen to that song. ;)

Comments: I really enjoyed reviewing your diary. I think you're a very unique person. You've got a good sense of who you are, and it shows through in your writing. I truly hope that everything works out for you in your future endeavors. Everyone deserves happiness! I'll be back to see how you're doing! Take care!

Reviewed by Lindsay

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