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Again I go Unoticed

Content: It varies from short one-line entries to long philosophical entries. It's quite easy to get in to because it's not "in your face". I can see that you've got a lot of emotion inside of you, and I can also see that your diary is a big outlet for some of that emotion. I know that a lot of it goes into music as well. You've got a very different style of writing. Sometimes you don't even write the entry. You'll pick a quote that you like, or a lyric that you like, and you use that in place of an entry. I found that to be quite interesting. It was like you were using someone elses words to describe how you were feeling. My only complaint is that I didn't really get to know you from what I read. I read all your entries from last December up til now and I honestly don't feel like I know much about you. Maybe you're guarding your feelings because you have friends who read your diary. Anyway, I would maybe just suggest that you talk a little bit more about yourself. Give the reader something to connect with. (30/40)

Layout: I assume this is self-designed which always gets my applause. It's quite well done. The colours all match well, and I really like the way you've got your links. The picture really works for your diary. All in all, I think the layout is perfect. It fits you and your writing style. The only problem I saw was that you have a broken link. Your link for "snapshots" is broken. Should be a mattter of just fixing some HTML or something. Just wanted to give you a heads up about it. (20/20)

Emotions: Again, this is varied. It's not intense, but there is some good use of emotion. I just felt like you held back a lot. But I do understand that. And maybe it's just the way I'm seeing things. Everyone reads things differently. Basically, what I'm saying is that I'd like you to delve a little more. Maybe find the root of everything that seems to be afflicting you. But it's just my opinion, and you don't have to listen to a damn word I say! ;) (15/20)

Extras: A few links to friends sites, photography site, and that's basically it for the extras. (4/10)

Link: It's only featured on the most recent entry. But that could just be because that was when you requested the review. You haven't updated in a while, so I'm not sure. I'm going to give you the benefit of the doubt. (5/5)

Contact: Guestbook was the only contact I could find. (1/5)

Total: (71/100)


Favorite Entry: I liked This entry because I felt like it gave me a few little clues about you. And some of the things made me laugh. Laughter is good.

Favorite Quote: "Oh, and everytime I hear that damn 'sk8er boy' song I want to puke." From this entry because... I totally remember feeling that way!

Comments: You're very easy to identify with, probably because I'm a musician. Even though we have very different taste in music, I can still feel where you're coming from in a lot of ways. I really enjoy your writing, and I hope you keep it up. I think you've got tons of potential. Just don't be so shy about letting it out. You've got a lot to say, and you shouldn't censor yourself.

Reviewed by Lindsay

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