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the way that your fingers run through my hair

Content: Your diary seems to be a place for you to vent. I found your writing style very interesting to read, although it was little confusing at times. You don't really go into exactly what you did in your day, but more about how your feeling as you write. I would find that dull after a while, except you convey how your feeling so well that I can relate to you. Sometimes I got a little bored reading the lyrics you posted, and I'm not a huge fan of reading poetry in diaries, but it's your diary so carry on. =0) Overall, your diary was a good read. The only other thing I found irksome was that sometimes you got so into writing your entries you skipped over some grammar, capitalization, and had some typos. (36/40)

Layout: You had some good ideas in your layout. I liked the boxes along the side for your menu items and the purple-ish font. It annoyed me how you menu was half way down all your entries. You need to either make it stay at the top of your entries or have a separate scroll for your entries. The picture at the top seems out of place. If you're going to use that picture try to integrate it into your layout more. The color of the picture really doesn't go with your layout at all. I didn't understand why your side scroll was colored red. I think it look better if it were the same color as your menu font. Your diary could be more navigable if you titled your links a little more obviously, but I managed to work out where things were so that's not a huge deal. Finally, I'd suggest putting your five recent entries along the side so they're easier to find and change the font on your archives page to match the rest of your diary. I liked the general idea of your layout, but it needs a little more work. (7/20)

Emotions: Your diary is full of emotion, that's basically what your entries consist of. I think this diary is your place to vent and get your feelings out. Thus I'm giving you three extra points here for all the emotion you put into your entries. (23/20)

Extras: Lots of them (13/10)

Link: Yup, it's there and it works (5/5)

Contact: The Diaryland stuff and a guestbook. (5/5)

Total: (89/100)


Favorite Entry: I understood what you meant in this entry. There are a few bullies at my school that I find myself getting in to useless arguments with, but there's no one that helps me with a smile...Also, sometimes I feel like I'm rambling on and on to people and I can't stop myself.

Favorite Quote:how can you know what's inside of the mind of this person.

you can never know the truth unless it's can never know the can never know the whole truth.never.And you can never understand someone withouth living the same life with them

and I know nothing.I accept that.All I think about is..someday I will face him.or something I thought was him.

This was written very powerfully

Comments: For the most part, I enjoyed reading your diary. You have similar interests to me. I'm guessing you watch BTVS and Angel...because you mentioned Angel and put James Marsters under "7 Hot Stars" James Marsters is insanely hot, I don't know how he can live with himself.

Reviewed by: Nicola

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