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Do I drive you crazy baby?

Content: Your diary was really hard to read because it mainly consisted of you talking about another "hottie" you'd met, or different guys you'd talked to. All the internet slang made it near impossible to read, you misspelled words (know...not kno), and you didn't capitalize. The way you write comes off very superficial. I'm not saying you are, but that it seems that way through your entries. You seem a lot younger than you are and difficult to take seriously. The only entry I found remotely interesting was the letter you wrote to Dylan. In that entry you opened up and showed how you were truly feeling in a readable way. You seem like a nice person, but your diary bored me since there was next to no content in your entries and I couldn't get into any of what you were writing about because of all the slang and typos. It seems like this diary is your place to go over your thoughts, perhaps if you wrote with less slang your diary would be more effective. =0/ I'm sorry if this harsh, but it's just my opinion, it's your diary so do what you will ;0) (3/40)

Layout: I can't really even score your layout, because it changed so much. You haven't had this diary for very long and have had several different layouts. This made reading your diary so frustrating. I understand that Diaryland doesn't change the older entries anymore, but you have so few entries you could easily change them to your new layout. Other reviewers might be harsh on you because of that simple thing. I like your present green layout. It fits you well. You linked to the designer on all your layouts and generally everything worked except sometimes there were no prev/next buttons which was annoying since I had to go back to your archives page. Also, your guestbook link didn't work and your notes weren't turned on so I don't know why you linked to them. I think you changed your layouts so much because you were experimenting. I would suggest changing your old entries to the new layout if you plan on requesting other reviews. (3/20)

Emotions: You occasionally put emotion into your entries, but a lot of it was just about a new guy you'd met. The entry with the most emotion was the letter to Dylan, other than that it was pretty sparse (5/20)

Extras: You have a lot of extras (10/10)

Link: Yup, it's there and it works (5/5)

Contact: your notes and guestbook don't work...(2/5)

Total: (30/100)


Favorite Entry: The entry where you wrote to Dylan.

Favorite Quote: I didn't find any quotes that particularly stood out.

Comments: I think that you're a very different person to me. I couldn't relate your diary at all, but that doesn't mean that others won't. I do suggest that you write with less internet slang though, it will make your diary more readable.

Reviewed by: Nicola

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