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Content: (34/40) I could not believe the difference and change in your entries. Reading this entry, and then later reading this one.. wow. I can see you've had a rough time, more then I can understand, and I think it was great that you kept up with your diary, and put all your feelings down - even if you knew no one else would understand. A lot of your entries are similar, talking about death, and how horrible that place was... and usually I would knock points off for diarylanders who write about the same old stuff. But, in your case, there was not much more to write about - and if I had been you, I wouldn't have even writen. I too have felt some of the feelings you have, and I could relate to your entries on some sort of level.

Layout: (15/20) I don't exactly like your layout. First off, I think that is the most horrible picture ever taken of Kelly Clarkson. The blues are nice together, and the layout it very organized. I don't really feel as if the layout reflects how you feel thought, and I believe there are plenty of other layouts that could really give your diary a bit of spunk, i guess. Your pastal colored layout really took away from the emotion your diary is giving off. Your diary has kick-in-the-face potential!

Emotion: (20/20) Your diary is one of the most emotional yet. Your diary touched me on many personal levels, and it really drew me into how you were feeling and what you were going through. You explained each feeling very well, and that makes it a hell of a lot easier for readers to understand you. The only thing I did not see much of, which i like, is quotes and songs and such - things that also reflect how you feel. Just as a suggestion, add some.

Extras: (7/10) You have many extras, including a whole page of extras ... your guestbook, and many extra pages... but maybe a messenger link, or email thrown onto your main page.

Link:(5/5) YUP, we're there! Thanks!

Contact: (2/5) No email, messenger screen names were in profile, but no links on your main page.. hmm... not so easy.

TOTAL: 83/100

Comments: Your diary is great, full of feelings and I'll never get bored reading it, but throw in some quotes and song lyrics, things to really put a spin on just every day entries!

Reviewed by: Ashley

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