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a smile from the soul

Content: I started with this entry and it was a great beginning, and as I went on you began reminding me of myself. A lot of your entries are sad yet thoughtful. It seems to me you put a lot of thought into everything you write, which is a good thing to me. The only thing that I didn't really like was I felt lost a lot in your entries. Like here I want to know where this entry came from, what made you write all of that. Maybe you can try to use some more details, and let your readers in a little more. This entry showed your talent. You are a great writer, yet still I was a little lost but it's no big, your writing talent shines through.

I read some more entries about 10, then skipped to this entry, which I liked. I kept on reading all your entries until the most recent one none of them really stood out, but I liked how you ended every entry with the word hope. It sort of got slow around here. But overall your diary was enjoyable. I only docked a few points because I didn't like how I wondered what you were talking about after reading some entries.

Content Score: 37/40

Layout: I love your layout. It's very peaceful, and it reflects the hope thing. The only thing I didn't like was the image it still had the getty image tag. it's really unattractive. But all your colors match, and your layout is organized. So it's all good. =D

Layout Score: 19/20

Emotions: For the most part, the entires I read showed emotion, usually it was the same emotion of frustration, anger, hurt, and sadness. And I said before that you obviously put thought into your entries. Only some didn't really seem to compare to the others but hey not everyone is perfect.

Emotions Score: 20/20

Extras: Links, Fanlistings, Toybox, Rings (several pictures aren't showing up though...) and I think that maybe you should have some kind of thing to let people know something about you, atleast to know your name, age, etc.

Extras Score: 4/10

Link: Yess in the links page..

Link Score: 5/5

Contact: Guestbook and notes...

Contact Score: 4/5

Total Score: 89/100 Sweet Silver Ring, join if you wish.


Favorite Entry: Hm, this one.

Favorite Quote: "I have a thousand things to say but no words to thell them. They fill my mind and don't want to come out."

Comments: I really did enjoy your diary. I think you're a great writer. The archives sort of confused me a little bit, but maybe I'm slow... I don't know. Anyway great diary keep doing what you doing.

Reviewed By:Sonia

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