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Not as dark/intracharger

To change within. Step into the now.

Sinse you have two diaries I'll base everything on your diary on your new one except for the content and I'll use both on that.

Content: You are very opinionated. I could tell that from the first entry I read. I agree with you on some things, but she's only having 7 the madness of Harry Potter will stop there. Other things, I don't agree with you about. That entry just made me mad when I read it, I know you have opinions...everyone does but I hate it when people think being gay is so wrong. It just really bugs me. I know that the Bible tells us being gay is wrong, but still it is whatever they want to do...there's nothing wrong with that. Sorry, now I'm just blabbing but it bugged me.

I loved reading your enties though, I think it's great you have such a good voice on you and that you can clearly state what you think about things. You also tell how you feel very well too. I started with this entry in your old diary. It really made me think about things and I really liked reading it. Everyone does have a purpose but don't always dog yourself and put yourself down a lot. I've done it a lot too and it gets us no where. I agree with you on this subject, Hillary Duff can't sing and I don't get it either. She should have just stayed on Disney. I can really relate to you because I seem sort of like you. We have some of the same opinions and think and I am really outgoing and opinionated. Anyone who says something I don't agree with, I tell them. You seem sort of like that too. Your entries really just pulled me in, you had a certain something that I really liked.

Content Score: 37/40

Layout: I really like this layout. The picture is really pretty and everything goes really well together. The font is big enough so I can read it and everything seems nice and neat. It's really dark but the blue and white bring more light into it. The navigation at the top is neat, you don't have lots of links so it looks good. The writing and the top is good. You could archive your older July entries like you did on your old diary but other than that everything seems to be great. Layout Credit: pixelscripts.

Layout Score: 18/20

Emotions: You had some emotion but I don't even care if you could write everything your heart felt. You wrote everything you felt and everything you thought, it was great. Your opionions have to do with emotions too and you sure did have a lot of those. So, yes you did have a great amount of emotion!! I loved it.

Emotions Score: 16/20

Extras: Linkage and some other stuff.

Extras Score: 8/10

Link: It works.

Link Score: 5/5

Contact: Guestbook, e-mail, notes, AIM, and tagboard! You have a whole contact page.

Contact Score: 6/5

Total Score: 90/100 You can join the Sweet Gold Diary Ring.


Favorite Entry: This is so funny. I agree with you, I want to marry someone like that....who loves God, you can see it, prays with total love for God and you can tell, and looks good when he does it. I had a couselor at camp that was like was great! ; )

Comments: I really loved reading everything you had to say. I think it's really cool that you feel really confident in what you have to say. That's really great for you. I also liked your diary because I could relate to what you are saying! It was great, so keep up the good work! I'll be back~

Reviewed By: Lyndsey

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