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The Jenny Springer Show

Content: First of all, I have to say how much I love the way you write. You write to be read, and somehow it always made me smile. You've got a very natural flow to the way you write. It doesn't seem like you try too hard to sound smart. But you sound extremely smart nonetheless. It appears to be a natural part of you. Some people are just born with amazing talents like yours. You've got a great mix of humour and honesty. There were entries where I was very touched by what you said, and there were others where I had to cover my mouth to keep from laughing so loud that I woke the neighbours. I highly recommend your diary. It's worth reading. Very worth reading. I didn't get to read the entire thing, but I feel like I read enough to identify well with you. Eventually, I hope to read the whole thing. (40/40)

Layout: I love your layout. I'm going to assume that it's self-designed, which is a huge bonus. I really admire people who design their own layouts. This one really works for your diary. It appears that you put a lot of thought into it. The picture is what really draws me in. Very creative. It looks great in the resolutions I tried, and the colours are perfect. I also enjoy how "neat" it is. Some self-designed layouts are so messy. And they usually don't reflect the diarist very well. Your layout is perfect.(20/20)

Emotions: This is seriously one of the best diaries that I've reviewed. Your emotional content is amazing. You're not so over the top that I want to click the little 'X' in the corner; but you don't under-play it either. You've got it down, and I truly applaud you. You've been writing on D-land for quite some time now, and it shows. You know what to write and how to write it. I'm impressed. (20/20)

Extras: You've got extras up the wazoo! Links and all sorts of fun stuff. Your biographies are great. They actually told me things that I wanted to know. Some bio's just fill your head with useless knowledge. (15/10)

Link: Yup, it's there. Under "links" and then "reviews". Woo Woo! (5/5)

Contact: Guestbook, Notes, E-Mail, Two IM's. (5/5)

Total: (105/100)


Favorite Entry: This entry had me rolling. You're so funny. I also really like this entry for some reason. Maybe it's just because I'm a cat lover... and maybe it's because of the way you wrote it. Either way, it's a great entry.

Favorite Quote: "That will teach you to sleep when there is an ass emergency!" from this entry...(again) because, Damnit! It was just too funny.

And I have to add this quote: "I just want butterflies again, you know?" because I've been there before... and it sucks! Le sigh. You write so well!

Comments: Congratulations on such an amazing diary. You're so honest and it's so refreshing. I enjoyed every single entry that I read. I love how much thought you appear to put into every sentence. You're a great read and it's a wonder that you don't have 9,000 readers. Also, I love how creative you are. It's nice to see someone so interested in the bettering of d-land. The random-guestbook-signing-week was a blast. Okay, I'm just gushing now. Anyway, thanks for giving me the pleasure of reviewing such an awesome diary. Keep up the great work!

Reviewed by Lindsay

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