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T A K E C O V E R in D-L A N D.C O M

Content: Well I like the way you write. It sounds like you're quite the professional business woman and it was enjoyable to read about your times with co-workers or a client because I will be starting work for a huge marketing company and it's nice to read a little bit about a business work-related topics. I love that you have such excellent grammar and spelling. Thank you for that! Your use of dialogue is well placed and not too much. I loved your writing style. I love how you describe things and you obviously have an advance vocabulary that you use to your advantage. (40/40).

Layout: Ooh, I like the color of the entries and though the background color isn't my favorite, it goes well with the bluish color. The writing on the top and bottom is interesting and the font color is nice but it looks a little too busy. I like how each link is separated by :: but it would be good if your email link was also up there, and not just at the bottom. I don't see a link back to the designer so I'm thinking you did the layout? I like the archive page; it's probably the neatest, most organized I've seen. (You get a few extra points for designing it yourself) (18/20).

Emotions: You do pretty well in this area but you could definitely do better. There's room for improvement. You're great at explaining and writing about your day in an interesting way though. (15/20).

Extras: Here is your weak spot. The Link page is informative and nice looking, as is the Cast page but those are very basic. (4/10).

Link: Yes, text link is there. (5/5).

Contact: Guestbook and email at bottom of page, but what about notes? I don't see a link to profile or notes so it's harder for a reader to leave you a note if wanted. (4/5).

Total: 86/100.


Favorite Entry: This was extremely well-written about Mr. Tannerlane. You described him so well and it sounded like he was a character out of a book, but he was real.

Favorite Quote: I can hear Kesuma's restrained laughter. The formal kind of laughs reserved for dry clients. (wince). He had to laugh, their sense of humour may be dry, but their money is anything but that. We need their money and their address book - we're shallow that way.

I saw him last night, when I was walking mindlessly along Itaewon's thumping streets. Itaewon is definitely a shape shifter; all street peddlers and antique shops by day and nightclubs by night. Surprisingly it fitted me just as well. I promised myself not to succumb to the calls of hip-hop beats and techno lights, but you do know my resolve isn't worth saving.

There are a lot more quotes that I really liked.

Comments: Your entries a really in depth and I enjoyed reading it all.

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Reviewed by Kathy

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