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Dream Walkin'

CONTENT: I really enjoy the way you write. You have a style that is very much your own. You write mainly about day-to-day activities, but you also include your thoughts and feelings. You seem very mature. Your spelling is good, and overall, your grammar is too! It's always risky and challenging to write about your life on a regular basis, but you pulled it off: you held the reader's interest, and your entries are never boring! Your navigation is also clean, neat, and well-organized. It was so well done. I especially liked the way you organized your archive page. Good job!

Content Score: 43/40

LAYOUT: Design Credit to Utltra-Temps Well, this layout made it difficult for these tired old eyes to read. The words often end up on top of the really bright spots, which makes it hard to see. The font size is fine; it's just the background that makes it a bit brutal. It doesn't seem to go with your style and sweet personality. This is just my opinion; you do whatever you like- it's your diary!

Layout Score: 14/20

EMOTIONS: You did a very good job at conveying your emotions. I especially could see that in this entry. I understand how you feel! I could totally relate to everything you had to say on that subject! And,'re not wrong! :)

Emotions Score: 21/20

EXTRAS: Awesome job in this area! Again, very well-organized. In fact, there's so many, I'm not going to name them all. I really like the way they aren't cluttering up your index page. I sure appreciate the way you made your extras not get in the way of anything else. Well done.

Extras Score: 14/10

LINK: Yep..the link is there, (Sweet Reviews button), and it takes you right to this site! Always good when it goes to the correct destination! :)

Link Score: 5/5

CONTACT: Notes, Guestbook, Email, and AIM. I think you can be reached!

Contact Score 5/5

TOTAL SCORE: 102/100


Favorite Entry: I think that this entry is my favorite. You'll probably go through times like this a lot, like most people. Your boyfriend should never flirt with any other girl. That's just disrespectful- to say the least!

Favortie Quote "Well needless to say, we DID get the grilled cheese. I'm not gonna let them tell me we can't have one. It's just absolutely stupid to put an age limit on a grilled cheese. No where is there a law that says you have to be a certain age to eat any kind of food. Damn restaurant." I love the "grilled cheese rant"! :)

Comments: Overall, you did a wonderful job on your diary. I am impressed that you are able to write about daily and life events, yet still keep the reader interested and wanting to read more! Keep up the good work! By the way, I love Dachshunds, too, and I also love the Doll Palace! I have a Weenie Dog named Simon.

Reviewed by: Leslie Irene

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