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Everything's Changing

Content: You generally write about your day to day experiences. I found your diary hard to get into because of all those general entries. There were a few moments where you opened up a little more, but mainly you wrote about what had happened that day. While reading your diary, I felt that updating has almost become a chore for you, since most of your entries were short and not daily. It sounds like you have a busy life, with all your homework and your graduation coming up, and that your a little bored with your diary. You write well, though, and I enjoyed some of your more in depth entries. (10/40)

Layout: I've seen this layout before, since poodesigns is well known. It was well organized and fit your diary. Personally, I didn't really like the green background for your text, but I understand how it works into the layout, so it's fine. I didn't like how the last five oldest entries were at the bottom, but that isn't a big deal either. Overall, it's a nice look. (17/20)

Emotions: You didn't really put much emotion into your diary at all, since you mainly went over the daily events. Even in the entries where you wrote more extensively, I still didn't find much emotion. Since you mainly use your diary for daily stuff, I can understand why it would be hard to put more emotion into it, but occasionally some more insight into your feelings would really improve your writing. (3/20)

Extras:Lots. (13/10)

Link: Yup, it's there and it works (5/5)

Contact: Yup, plenty of ways to contact you. (6/5)

Total: (54/100)


Favorite Entry: I liked this entry where you talked about your hair. Hair can be so annoying.

Favorite Quote:Desperate to find my hair?s soul mate, I have dragged my mother through salons, begging, pleading, and finally convincing her to spend hundreds of dollars on countless bottles of shampoo, condition, hair spray, pomade, gel, mousse, leave-in treatment, and any other product that even briefly mentioned frizz control.

Comments: I thought your diary was cute and liked how the layout fit your personality. However, I found it hard to get into your entries because they were mainly about day-to-day stuff.

Reviewed by: Nicola

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