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moody, much?!

Content: You usually write about your day to day activities. I didn't really read anything that went into great detail on how you felt about something, even though your layout has something to do with mood. Ok allessia if your reading this, im sorri I'm sorry, I can't take people spelling like that. I don't get it. I'm not trying to sound mean here, but stuff like that bugs me.

On this entry you were pretty much just writing to please them. You were trying to tell them something, so you just wrote it in your diary. That can be great, but first off I had no idea what you were talking about.

BUT this entry helped me a lot. I can get what you are trying to say and you expressed how you felt some other way then just saying it. Poems, great things.

Some of your stuff I just really couldn't get into. You are writing for you which is great, just not on review scores.


Layout: This is a very simple, simple layout. I'm not sure who made it (weird). There are a couple of things that bug me. First off is that even if you have only written about 15 words the page scrolls down so far. You need to fix that or something. Another thing that bugs me is that on the left hand side of the layout there are links and stuff, but you can only see half of them. Your Frozen Kiss link, your guestmap, your Notify list, tons of stuff. Not sure why it's doing that but I would really try and fix that. It would just make your layout a whole lot better. The color is pretty, laid back kind of purple and I like the whole idea how you are shown as moody sometimes. Other than those two things, it's pretty good. Simple, but good. (10/20)

Emotions: You don't write with TOO much emotion. You do sometimes, but not enough for you to et full credit in this department (10/20)

Extras: You have lots (15/10)

Link: Cute little button! ; ) (5/5)

Contact: Yup, plenty of ways to contact you. (6/5)

Total: (66/100)


Favorite Entry: n/a

Favorite Quote: i never thought that word could sound so great!! were "good" again! I know exactly how you felt.

Comments: And I just noticed that on some of your other entrys there are at the bottom. (Those links and stuff) That is really really confusing. I would try and put the Frozen Kiss link somewhere else and stuff like this. It just looks kind of weird just sitting there. It's just on the first couple though. And this whole review, I bet you are a great girl. I just really can't get into your writing!! Your spelling bugs me, but you seem old enough to know not to do that. But whatever floats your boat. If you want to come back later on and get one after you have written longer that would be awesome. *From a different reviewer. You probably think I'm being a complete bitch. This is your first review, you'll learn from it!! Swear. And don't take anything to personally, after a while you'll get use to all this critisism.

Good Luck!!

Reviewed by: Lyndsey

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