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Moi Dnyevnik

Content: Wow. I've never wanted to give a diary a standing ovation before. Until now. I read from entry number one to your most recent. (May 27) And I found them absolutely fascinating. Your entries are very inspiring in that they make you want to run down to the local library and check out a book on something worthwhile. Your entries vary greatly. It's never the same thing. It was very refreshing to find a diary that didn't just recycle the same-ole'-same-ole'. You really seem to put a lot of thought behind what you're writing. And when I found that you only had 63 entries, I was astonished. You write like a pro, and you're extraordinarily good at captivating your audience. I was also astonished to find that you don't have thousands of readers. I'll be spreading the word. Quailty writing like yours deserves to be appreciated. You're a brilliant mix of wit, sarcasm, and just plain honest emotion... Not to mention the vast intellect you possess. You're a rare treat! ( 40/40 )

Layout: I think this is a very nice layout. It's simple, and it doesn't make me want to toss my monitor out the window because I can't read the type-face. Credit for the design goes here. I think this design fits well with your diary. It's intriguing. It's a good setting for your diary.
All of your links are working except for your link to (It's got a double "http://" at the beginning of it.. so it doesn't go anywhere. And, I might suggest breaking your archive page up into sub-categories. (Months, etc.) It'll just be a little easier to navigate. Other than that, the layout's great. It's evenly spaced, and I like the over-all design of it. ( 19/20 )

Emotions: You write with such an awesome personal style. You express your emotions very well, but not to a point that it makes your reader uncomfortable. It appears that you have a natural knack for understanding the "human condition". You're a very perceptive writer, and I truly appreciate the fact that you don't dumb-down the things you're saying in order to appease "Joe-schmoe" with the 100 IQ. You're emotional content is very much "up to par".( 20/20 )

Extras: You do the Friday Five's and the thought-provoking/education Sunday entries, also a Rings page, Featured Adoptable Pet, Best Entries, Link to the quiz you made, link to BlogChalking, and of course... a link to the man you deem the sexiest reporter alive. You also have many interesting links scattered throughout your entires. ( 10/10 )

Link: I looked, and I looked, and I looked... and I didn't ever find it. ( 0/5 )

Contact: Email, Guestbook, Notify List, Notes... ( 5/5 )

Total: 94/100


Favourite Entry: Ohh. There were *SO* many. This one ranks very high on my list because it's a perfect example of how diverse your writing is. You can be so funny and yet you're completely serious at he same time. And can I just say how much I love the fact that you appear to be really concerned about SARS at the end of it, but your concern soon melts into a transition where you talk about your Bulgarian cabbie? Classic.

And This one had me rolling. I think I woke my neighbours up.

Favorite Quote: Don't make me choose!!!

Ok, here's one that I loved: "...ass/cash/flash



loan/phone/Ariel Sharon...

OK, i made that last one up, but you get the idea. (shit, now I cant stop thinking up rhymes like that: Do me, Big Booty, Kwesei Mfume!)" Taken from this entry.

Comments: Well, I really can't say enough good things about your diary. I'm actually feeling very lucky that I got the chance to read it! Oh and by the way... not that it has any real relevance: I LOVE Monarch of the Glen! I was so excited to see someone else actually knew what it was! Ok, sorry. I'm all better now. But seriously... you're so talented. Thanks for making this review so much fun!

Reviewed by Lindsay

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