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Content: You�re detailed in your entries and I enjoyed reading them. You don�t try to make your writing sound good; it just does. You have a natural writing style and it�s nice, refreshing. You just say what�s going on and of course, add feelings and opinions. I also liked that you used the correct punctuation; your grammar is pretty good and I appreciate reading a diary like that. Oh wow, your dad sounds horrible! I�m sorry you and your mom have to live with that everyday! I hope the situation will get better! (35/40)

Layout: Very simple layout, no pictures, not much going on. The colors are nice, but it might look more interesting with brushes, scratches, or something. I like how your entry titles are different font than normal though. It looks good! (12/20)

Emotions: Finally, a diary with some emotion! You go girl! They�re not always good or happy emotions, but it�s good to get it all out and you seemed to know that adding what you feeling is necessary and second-nature. (16/20)

Extras: You have profile, rings, 101 things, and trading card was great! I�m sure you�re just getting started though because you can add plenty more. Maybe links, quizzes, � (6/10)

Link: Yup, it�s written on the side. =) (5/5)

Contact: Guestbook, email, notes. (5/5)

Total: 79/100


Favorite Entry: I�m not sure.

Favorite Quote: I found out that I sing in my sleep. That is hilarious on several different levels.

And of course there were other good ones, but pretty personal so you�ll have to visit the site to see.

Comments: Great job! =)

Reviewed by Kathy

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