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Diary of a Neurotic Mother

CONTENT: I LOVE the way you write! You are so unique, and so refreshing! I really admire your candor, and you seem to be such a kind, caring person as well. I liked this entry. It wasn't earth-shattering, but the honesty, and the feeling that you are just sitting there talking to the reader made it stand out. I'm an avid gardener, so this entry stood out as well! Annuals, so much beauty...too bad they don't last. That's why I take the dead heads, and throw the seeds all over so they come up volunteer! I'm gonna get my money's worth! :D this was great! I laughed so hard when you said that you gave them the ugliest picture you could find of her! OH Wow! You are tough! That was classic! Great, honest, and entertaining content! You have it all.

Content Score: 40/40

LAYOUT: I absolutely adore your layout; I love everything about it. It is so unique. I love the vibrant colors, the artwork, the font on your menu, and the cursor trail. Your site is easily navigated, and I found no broken links. Design Credit to: Pigulet's Pen. Excellent- very "alive"!

Layout Score: 20/20

EMOTIONS: You conveyed your emotions very well in your writing, and I like that you are able to be very honest, yet manage to entertain. I can tell that your writing is somewhat of a form of therapy for you! Great job.

Emotions Score: 20/20

EXTRAS: You have enough extras. I think you could have more- for example, a cast of characters, maybe a survey, etc. I like what you do have. I appreciate the Amber Alert runner. Some people have so many extras, one wonders if they are trying to compensate for that which is lacking in their content. Not the case here! You could afford to experiment with a little more, but that's entirely up to's your diary. :)

Extras Score: 9/10

LINK: Yep! Cute, colorful button is there on the "rings" page. Works fine, too.

Link Score: 5/5

CONTACT: Plenty of ways to contact you: Email, Notes, Guestbook- you are "contactable"! :)

Contact Score: 5/5

as an aside from your profile, I just had to laugh and admire this paragraph: "Remember, if you leave me a caustic comment and I get sick of the nipping at my ankles.....I got a deep bag full of stories; some of which I'm sure you don't want shared!" That oughta do it!



Favorite Entry: Can't isolate it to just one!

Favorite Quote: I really thought this was classic: "My favorite story was that I had hoped her womb would lay barren till she was a year or so away from menopause. Then God graces you with not one, not two, but three beautiful little girls! And I as their Nana would keep them well supplied with money so that they could reap havoc upon you!" You have so many great words! "But goodness, what a hoot, to send Laura off with the Amish for the summer!"

Comments: Very well done! It was a pleasure to review your diary!

Reviewed by Leslie Irene

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