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>>I wish you would dance with me<<

Content: You haven't had this diary very long, so I read everyone of your entries. One thing first off, on your cast page there is a guy named Alex Shaffer. I have a best guy friends named that, and the last name is almost spelled like that! Freaky, eh??

You use such great words when you write, proper words I should say. I know your feeling about the polotics in school, no one really does care about them and that's a shame, most of the time it's just a popularity vote!! You write about day to day events but you add feelings in there too. You said that this diary was to express your feelings. I think that it's a great idea. Overall, I enjoyed reading your entrys!! They were entertaining (30/40).

Layout: I love this layout, I used to have it myself for my own diary. I personally think that this layout is beautiful, ya it's a lot of blue, so what?! It's so pretty. The picture of the ballerina and the saying are beautfiul. Aww! I just love this layout! (25/20).

Emotions: This diary is based on emotions, you write a lot about how you feel about something and your opionion on something. I think that this is really cool, you don't express a lot of emotion but you always seem to tell how you feel about something. I think that's awesome (15/20).

Extras: Lots and lots! (10/10).

Link: Yup, it's there! (5/5).

Contact: I know I can get ahold of you~(5/5).

Total: 90/100


Favorite Entry: This was a beautiful entry about you and your boyfriend.

Favorite Quote: Opinions are never wrong, and this is my diary, so I can bitch about anything.

Comments: Your entrys were really really great to read. You seem like a down-to-Earth kind of girl. Your layout is beautiful (hehe) and I just really like it. I like how you express your opinion in your entrys and you talk a lot about how you want your school to care about elections. You seem really cool and keep up the good work! I'll be back

You are able to join the "Sweet Gold" Diary Ring!!

Reviewed by: Lyndsey

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