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My pictures....they don't line your mirror

Content: You write with so much feeling. People would love to be able to put ito words how you feel. You write true to yourself, you get me hooked on everything. You seem to write about depressed things, about how you lost your sanity or will you ever loose yourself again. I think that those are hard concepts and you put them so easily. Words just flow out of your mouth and I can't stop reading. It's beautiful! I think that


Favorite Entry: There were lots of good ones, I couldn't pick just one.

Favorite Quote: But for now, I'm dancing to the tune of some old washed-out guitar, my hands struggling by my waist (my waste?), crying for freedom. At least if I fly, I can escape you. (i still hate you! but you'll never hear me.) At least if I fall, I'm completely beneath you.

I'll take you either way.

Comments: You're diary is a very good read. It was enjoyable. All your emotions were so touching and almost like I knew exactly how you felt. You have a talent for writing like that. Never loose it! I'll be back~

Reviewed By:: Lyndsey

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