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Content: The first couple of the entrys in the last five for now are just reviews from review sites. They didn't really give me much. Although, the latin entry was to die for funny.

You are so funny! Not a very funny situation, but you are just funny the way you say you want "normal cells". I can't really get into your other entrys. You talk about e-mails you've gotten and reviews that you've gotten. When you accually write about something, it's usually great. I love your writing!! When you get into what you are talking about. You are so descriptive and you write with a lot of detail about stuff. I loved reading your entrys. (30/40)

Layout: This layout is really pretty. I like how the links are on the bottom and not on the side. The font goes great. And the picture is beautiful. Did you make it yourself?? I can't find a link that said you did, or to a design site. So, I'm gunna say you made it yourself. One thing, those hearts that follow the mouse wherever you go are awesome.....but they can get annoying after a while. And I don't get the hearts. They don't really go with the layout. I like them, but they just get annoing after a while. That is the only thing that I don't like about this layout. Other than that, I love it! (18/20)

Emotions: You are mainly really happy!! I've never really seen you down in the dumps (seen??) Except when you are sad, you are sad. You go into detil, so I'm giving you props! (15/20)

Extras: A lot!! (9/10)

Link: Yup its there!! And hey! It even works (5/5)

Contact: The Diaryland stuff, a guestbook, and e-mail (6/5)

Total: (83/100)


Favorite Entry: This was one of my favorite entrys.

Favorite Quote: "I want to somehow suck out those abnormal cells. Why can't I just have normal cells!"

Comments: I love this diary! I think it's awesome that you made the layout, which by the way is beautiful!! Your writing is good when you aren't putting reviews up and other extra stuff and not really writing. Other than that, I think I will be back to see what else you have in store for my reading pleasers! Good job!

Reviewed by: Lyndsey

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