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& dear boy;; [[rancidwords]]

Content: You have content. You fill your diary with a lot of what is really going on inside you, the real you. That is fabulous. The ups and downs of your life are clearly outlined in your diary. You express so much, not only do you tell us about your emotions, but you narrate about things that happen in your life like baby sitting.

You often start out your entries with songs. That is a good thing, and I enjoyed reading some of the lyrics that were, somehow, related to you. You gave me an idea about what you were going to write in those songs.

However, the consistency of your entries should be improved. At times, your entries were very, very long, while others were only a sentence short. There should be more consistency.

Your earlier entries were very much better. They were filled with more depth, more soul. It is evident that you can write when you want to.

Content Score: 31/40

Layout: Your layout is dark, with a pink, flashing scrollbar, which in some ways, brightens up your entire diary and makes it look outstanding. This design was done by Plaid Design. What I like about your layout is that the navigation is very user friendly. However, the navigation should appear in all your pages. I notice that it only appears on the certain pages, but really, it ought to appear in all your pages for the convenience of your reader.

Layout Score: 10/20

Emotions: This was very emotional, and with that start, I really liked your diary. In this entry, you were extremely intense in your emotions, you hate and you love so extremely that at times, I can even feel emotions pouring out from your soul. Also, this was good. In short, you can be very emotional. You write about your emotions very well, and this I enjoyed, if compared to those of your descriptions.

Emotions Score: 15/20

Extras: Plenty of extras, with links, rings, profile, pictures, quizzes, reviews and much more.

Extras Score: 12/10

Links: A text link that is working.

Links Score: 5/5

Contacts: Guestbook, notes. How about getting a notifying list?

Contact Score: 2/5

Total Score: 75/100


Favourite Entry: I liked this entry. The last paragraph was really good. You really know what you want in life, and that is marvelous.

Favourite Quote: Happiness is like the sun. You might not always see it, but it's always there.

Comments: Your emotions are very well described. In fact, you will be a good writer if you concentrate more on your emotive writing. Keep up the good work!! And continue with more entries like those of the start.

Reviewed by: Charlene

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